Category Archives: Growing Thoughts

Surfing the wave of spring flowering bulbs.

It is autumn but not just because it is April but because the plants are telling us. Deciduous trees are showing hints of colour in the leaves and warm seasons grasses like Kikuyu and Buffalo are only growing spasmodically now that the days are running out of heat and light. Soon we will have more […]

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Miniature Gardens

Welcome to a new world! Every big garden should be made of little landscapes. Get past the obvious and it is the small details that reveal the world as a beautiful and amazing place. In a world where whatever shouts loudest gets heard it is a pleasure to look past the obvious into the world […]

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Summer heat. When the going gets tough the tough get growing.

Who doesn’t like a little summer sunshine? Well when it gets to 40 deg C I can put my hand up and say you can have too much of a good thing. This summer has been extreme. Repeated 40 deg plus days and extreme sunlight is tough on people and tough on plants. Some plants […]

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