Monthly Archives: March 2014

Gardens for children.

Cones versus kernels. I recently cut a simple noughts and crosses board into one of the landscape rocks in an area for younger children. Marked out with a square and cut with a diamond blade on an angle grinder it is simple and easy and will last forever. Picking up and using natural objects from […]

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Making a dry tolerant garden

I reckon it is time to throw away the rule book and take a fresh look at dry tolerant landscapes. Opposites like ‘sweet and sour’ might work well together but can’t be both at once.  When it comes to gardens that are lush and dry perhaps what seems like a contradiction doesn’t have to be […]

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Miniature Gardens

Welcome to a new world! Every big garden should be made of little landscapes. Get past the obvious and it is the small details that reveal the world as a beautiful and amazing place. In a world where whatever shouts loudest gets heard it is a pleasure to look past the obvious into the world […]

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Summer heat. When the going gets tough the tough get growing.

Who doesn’t like a little summer sunshine? Well when it gets to 40 deg C I can put my hand up and say you can have too much of a good thing. This summer has been extreme. Repeated 40 deg plus days and extreme sunlight is tough on people and tough on plants. Some plants […]

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Garden maintenance made easy.

I just thought I’d share a couple of photographs.   If there is one phrase to remember it is this one – ‘Little and Often’. As the photographs suggest it is much easier to weed when things are small. Rick, by the way, is 6 foot tall! The plants are both examples of Ligustrum lucidum […]

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