Monthly Archives: June 2014

Spice it up with succulents

Succulents are finding a place with other contemporary architectural plants but better than this is the fact that they can work well in a variety of garden styles from the very grand and historic, right up to the ultra-modern and just about everything in between.   After years of hovering in the background it is […]

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Edible Gardens- time for a revolution!

Food gardens can be both beautiful and useful and are returning as fashionable statements in current landscapes. There is a certain connection with the world through growing edible plants which makes a productive garden quite different from gardens that are only looked at through the windows of a house or windscreen of a car. A […]

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Green Walls and Hedges

Making hedges work starts with well thought out design. I love hedges; they are the bones and the backdrop of many classic garden styles and I’m prepared to go out on a limb and say that hedges will never go out of fashion. What is a bit old fashioned is the word hedge. I think […]

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Congratulations to Warners Nurseries

I attended an industry meeting last week at one of Melbourne’s best wholesale production nurseries who were celebrating 100 years of growing quality plants. It is obvious that Warner’s Nurseries takes pride in what they do. Quality takes effort, energy and enthusiasm but it is also an ideology. I feel like I should say thank […]

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Do garden spaces make us feel better?

After spending the last three hours researching the topic with an open mind I have found lots of articles, studies and reports that point to the fact that this is true. There is a fundamental reassuring feeling about being connected to the real world that any amount of concrete, swimming pools and shining man-made things […]

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Is Garden Design a form of Art?

There are only two ways to create a garden. In a world where nothing seems simple it is hard to imagine this can be true, but to some extent it is. It is difficult to argue that a well-designed garden is not a work of art but if it is a type of art then […]

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